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< Where can I buy local produce ?

Where can I buy local produce ?

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Kent is blessed with a variety of geological areas, this combined with the climate, has enabled the county to produce some of the 'best' produce in the country.

To help you discover local food and drink producers we have produced a series of maps showing where you can find local producers together with a brief desciption and links to their web sites.

- Farmers and Community Markets have become key retail outlets for many small local producers. The variety and mix of produce varies from Market to Market and the fresh fruit and vegetables on display during spring, summer, autumn and winter ebbs and flows with each growing season.Click here to discover the variety of 'Local Produce' sold by Local Producers at markets in Kent and Click here to find out what is sold at each Farmers Market

- Farm Shops, Community shops and Village shops realise the benefit of stocking local produce and have also become permenant retail outlets for many small Producers.

- Vineyards have grown in number over the last decade to become a major industry in Kent due to the geology, terraine and influence of climate change

- Craft Breweries have gone back to their roots with a revival in interest local hops

- Micro Distilleries have also grown in number over the past few years many using local botanicals to augment their spirits

- Fruit Juices and Cider Find inetersting and tasty fruit juices and ciders made from fruit grown in Kent


- You are supporting the local Economy:- The money circulates within the local community and helps to sustain local employment

- It strengthens local food security by reducing our reliance on international food supply chains and a more reliable and steady food supply is developed

- Reduces food miles It also reduces the impact of large scale mono-culture farming

- Promotes higher animal welfare as the UK upholds higher animal welfare standards compared to most other countries

- It enables you to eat fresher and more nutritious food as your food is sold immedaitely after harvesting is sold in peak condition

- It builds Community connections as you buy direct from a local Producer. The supply chain is much shorter.and it helps create an awareness of where your food comes from and how to cook it

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