
< Bridge Farmers' Market Stallholders (Wood craft)
Wood craft

Bridge Farmers' Market Stallholders (Wood craft)

Wood craft

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It's Corking

Homemade cork coasters, trivets, mats, table runners and much more.

Commissions taken for bespoke items.

Markets: Bridge, Capel-le-Ferne
Product: Wood craft
Contact: Jo Hod 07967 849050

Jolly Woodwork

Jolly woodwork, based
in Kent, makes wooden lamps, bowls, tables, mirrors and other items from
sustainable Kentish wood, such as oak, ash, beech, yew and elm.

Market: Bridge
Product: Wood craft
Contact: Chris Hatton 07941435693

Rustic Woodland

Wooden garden products - seats, planters etc

Market: Bridge
Product: Wood craft
Contact: Steve Briant 01227 832910 / 07976 315984

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