
< Penshurst Farmers' Market Stallholders (Prepared Food)
Prepared Food

Penshurst Farmers' Market Stallholders (Prepared Food)

Prepared Food

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Naked & Ready Foods

Homemade free range pork scotch eggs, sausage rolls and pies using the best quality local ingredients. We specialise in vegeterian & vegan products plus homemade gourmet pates and houmous.

Market: Penshurst
Products: Prepared Food, Deli, Pies, Quiche, Savouries
Contact: Jo Jeffery 0797 0151876

Roughway Farm

The Cannon family has run Roughway Farm for over 50 years and grow Raspberries, Cherries, Plums, Apples, Greengages, and Kent Cobnuts. We now sell Apple juice and apple and fruit mixes on line.

Markets: Penshurst, Shipbourne
Products: Fruit, Jam, Prepared Food, Fruit Juice, Nuts
Contact: Tom Cannon

Amthuc Viet

Amthuc Viet is a family-owned business located in Wadhurst, East Sussex. We provide a Vietnamese catering service, as well as food for takeaway and cooking classes.

Markets: Penshurst, Wadhurst
Product: Prepared Food
Contact: Yen Le 07900307025

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