
< Cliftonville Farmers' Market Stallholders (Preserves)

Cliftonville Farmers' Market Stallholders (Preserves)


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Gatehouse Farm

We make a selection of frozen handmade beef burgers made from beef from the farm and contain no rusk or preservatives. Plus Pork Pies, Chicken and Bacon with sage and thyme and Chicken and Chorizo (all of these made with hot water crust pastry).

Market: Cliftonville
Products: Prepared Food, Preserves, Pies

Gatehouse Farm

Free range and pickled eggs, jams, chutneys and preserves, pies, cakes, pastries, fruit and vegetables

Market: Cliftonville
Products: Pies, Fruit, Vegetables, Preserves, Jam, Bakery, Eggs
Contact: Peter & Sandy Wheatly 01303 840780

Karly's Kitchen

Karly's Kitchen offers a range of seasonal jams, chutneys and cordials, all made by hand with locally-grown, responsibly sourced and foraged finds from Kent.

Markets: Bridge, Cliftonville
Products: Chutneys, Preserves
Contact: Karly 07946 230975

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