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Members (Producers and Managers) Selling at a Farmers' Market Managing a Market Search:

If you want to sell your produce or product made from local produce we would first request you have a look first at the advice given in the following sections.

The concept of a Farmers' Market is to offer you, the producer, a low cost outlet to sell your produse and products. However, Managers need assurance that you conform to the basic ethos of a Farmers market i.e. you are the producer (i.e. you do not buy imn and re-sell) you are local to the market etc.

In order to find suitable markets for your produce, use the web site to find suitable outlets. Have a look at what is already being sold by searching the 'WHAT CAN I BUY' section. You can search this by 'produce' and by 'market'. Each market is run by an independant Market Manager, they are responsible for organising their own markets. They determine the rates and the procduce thet wish to sell.

However the Association can also help you find markets by making Market Managers aware that you are looking for a stall. We have a special section on the web site and we can add your details to it. Please use the 'Contact Us' section of the web site and send your contact details i.e. Trading name, contact name, tel., email and a short description of your produce.

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