
< Market managers function (Job Description)

Market managers function (Job Description)

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The Market Manager plays the key role in achieving the smooth running of the market, and works with the management committee, stallholders and other interested parties to develop and promote the availability of local and fresh produce for the community, and overall keeps everone happy!

We believe its important that each market has a nominated market manager who then has responsibility for market operations and ideally the time to include marketing and promotional activity etc with help from the committee or other volunteers. To help make things work well, we have drawn up in consultation with other managers what we see as the 'ideal' job description, some of which may not be relevant to the way you want your market to run, but you might want to adapt to suit your local market. The main areas we believe need attention are as follows:

Market Operations:

The Market Manager acts as the on-site manager for the market to ensure that the market operates in compliance with the law and the Management Committee's objectives and standards/policies, as described in the Business Plan. These main areas of responsibility include:

Overseeing the setting-up, shutting-down and site tidiness of the market on market days, including allocation of spaces etc.

Collecting payments from stallholders, issuing receipts, completing log reports and making bank deposits

Working with stallholders, customers and others on market days to answer queries, foster good relations and generally promote the activity of the market

Planning, record-keeping, correspondence and other activities to support the market and the Committee

Managing stalls as and when necessary, e.g. vendor staff breaks etc.

Undertaking an annual risk-assessment of operations and preparing a annual management report for the Committee's consideration.

Liaising with local authority officers etc, e.g. Highways, Trading Standards.

Marketing & Public Relations:

An essential component of the market is the creation of a diverse range of providers of quality and value for money produce, this is coupled with generating a reasonable volume of shoppers who will use the market and have a pleasant and memorable experience. Sustaining and developing the supplier and customer base requires a well-deserved reputation for quality and diversity. The Market Manager will play a major role in this through the following areas of responsibility:

Writing press releases

Liaison with other media groups, e.g. television and radio, parish magazines etc

Advertising and promoting the market in a wide variety of ways

Overseeing the development and use of the website if you have one

Coordinating the production and distribution of leaflets

Liaison with local organisations, for example, the Parish council, Kent Farmers' Market Association, Produced in Kent and similar organisations, e.g. FARMA, DEFRA etc

Producing market, stallholder and customer material

Organising a programme of special events

Attending to correspondence and telephone calls where appropriate

Development and Co-ordination:

The Market is seen by many as a community resource, to provide a viable and economic outlet for local farmers and producers; to give shoppers local access to fresh products; to support local businesses and to provide a regular opportunity for community groups to contribute to the market. The Market Manager will play a major role in this through the following areas of responsibility:

Attending regular committee meetings and reporting on progress on issues relating to their role and to assist in planning the future of the market etc

Encouraging the involvement of stallholders in decisions affecting the market

Establishing good relationships with key community and neighbourhood groups e.g. the Parish Council, Kent Farmers' Market Association etc

Preparing reports, correspondence and newsletters for local and regional use

Maintaining an up-to-date producer database

Recruiting and developing new producers, vetting and progressing applications

Exploring new opportunities for improving the market for shoppers and stallholders

Participating in and undertaking market research

Updating procedures and guidance for shoppers and stallholders

Ideal personal characteristics:

Community spirited

Enthusiastic and efficient

Well-developed people skills

Good computing skills

A good organiser

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