
< The Kent Cider Company

The Kent Cider Company

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Sarah Henderson. 8A John Hall Close, Faversham, ME13 7TY
01795 521317 | 01773 8573818 Email > Website >

About The Kent Cider Company

A full range of ciders  


On our orchard we grow seventeen different varieties of apple, many of them heritage varieties, such as Grenadier, Scarlet Pimpernel, Laxtons Superb to name a few. The strength and quality of these rare varieties enables us to make a number of single apple ciders as well as blends. 
We choose not to use sprays and by maintaining habitat that works with the natural cycles of the orchard we happily achieve a thriving sustainable yield, year in and year out 

Product Description

We produce familiar apples like the rich, full flavoured Egremont Russet and the classic, sharp but sweet Bramley as well as varieties that have been almost forgotten; heritage apples such as Grenadier, Scarlet Pimpernel and Laxtons Superb, still fruiting from trees almost 100 years old. 

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