
< Pine Trees Farm

Pine Trees Farm

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Kevin Payne. Bistock Doddington Sittingbourne   
01795 886266 Email > Website >

About Pine Trees Farm

We are a family-run fruit farm growing apples, cherries and plums. The apples are pressed into 5 varieties of pure apple juice. 
We also rear turkeys which we sell from the farm at Christmas.


Pine Trees Farm is a farm of 50 acres run by Kevin and Robert Payne, a father and son team, who are the fourth and fifth generations to run the farm.The farm specialises in apples, plums and cherries. They have their own cold storage and pack house facilities, which enables them to sell apples from September through to March.

Product Description

Pine Trees Farm sells 9 varieties of apples, 8 varieties of plums and 18 varieties of cherries plus a variety of jams and chutneys, made by Brenda, the farmer's wife using Pine Trees Farm's own first class fruit.They use the finest quality tree-ripened apples to press into their own range of cloudy apple juice. 
Pine Trees Farm also raise turkeys from day old chicks, which are kept in straw littered pens giving them a stress free, healthy environment. The result is a firm, full flavoured, juicy meat. The turkeys are hung for 7 days after slaughter, further enhancing the flavour. 

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